The new Noah’s Ark

Since the dawn of civilisation, capturing animals has been a common practice. At first, human beings were motivated by pure basic instinct – the need to survive – seeking food and protection. Subsequently c...

Eastern promise

Face it – Christmas shopping is a nightmare and here at Glass, we’re no better at it than anyone else.  Over the last few weeks, we have ventured out into the freezing London weather with the very best of i...

Budget boutique

A couple of years ago, an architect friend of mine applied to be on the Apprentice UK. He got down to the last 20 shortlisted before being sent home at the final hurdle  – his “business plan”.  When he outlin...


When I was a child – and, indeed, until the day that my grandparents sold their home – nothing would make me happier than spending time in my grandparents’ garden. The garden, which to this day still forms ...

Luxury without gloss

Although it has a small population – equivalent, at 5.4m, to the city of Philadelphia – Finland’s design culture, integrated into daily life, has touched the lives of a great many people. This year, while c...

City Slick

Now … before I start my article on South Place, I have a little confession to make. Firstly, in addition to my tres glamorous role as Design and Architecture Editor for Glass online, I should probably menti...

Made in China

Stars do not illuminate Beijing’s sky at night. Instead there are the sparks of metal as builders weld steel to steel on the tops of high-rise towers. China’s construction workers are building rapidly. Yet mo...