“THROUGH my work I want to invite the audience to delve into a magical world of second chances, where waste material is the starting point. I’m interested in how this visceral bond between the maker and the material permeates the creative process, guiding it to become something new,” says Scottish-based glass artist Juli Bolaños-Durman.
Wild Flowers Collection. Juli Bolaños-Durman Collaboration x Jorum Studio.
Photograph by Shannon Tofts
Poignant and creative, Bolaños-Durman is joining artistic forces once more with independent Edinburgh-based fragrance brand, Jorum Studio, for the debut of her Wild Flowers collection. A commentary on social change, Wild Flowers is the latest showcase of Bolaños-Durman’s unique ability to transform abandoned, disfigured glass into visually captivating art with hand-cut detailing.
Wild Flowers Collection. Juli Bolaños-Durman Collaboration x Jorum Studio.
Photograph: Shannon Tofts
Wild Flowers Collection. Juli Bolaños-Durman Collaboration x Jorum Studio
Photograph: Shannon Tofts
With Jorum Studio championing her work, Juli Bolaños-Durman will ask her audience to think deeply about the concept of upcycling in this modern era. Thanks to her powerful message, spectators likely be reconsider what we all often (carelessly) disregard as waste.
by Maria Noyen
The Wild Flowers collection is set to launch at the Re.Use, Re.Think, Re.Imagine exhibition at the Hauser & Wirth gallery in Somerset from October 18 21019 to January 1 2020
For more information please contact hello@jorumstudio.com