FOLLOWING the devastating earthquake in Turkey, a leading luxury hotel group Shangri-La and the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency in Turkey (AFAD), has provided 300 furnished container homes to displaced residents of Hatay, one of the hardest hit cities.
Opening ceremony of Hatay Friendship City held at Shangri-La Bosphorus, Istanbul on 4 July 2023
The container City ‘Dostluk Kenti’ meaning “Friendship City” located near Mustafa Kemal University will house approximately 1200 people. In order to combat further damage and withhold potentially dangerous weather conditions each temporary home is insulated and a safe place to be when harsh weather conditions arise.
The temporary homes are fitted with plumbing, electricity, bathroom equipment and living furnishings of an everyday home.
The children of Hatay Friendship City shared a moment of joy with the Shangri-La management team as they received panda toys as gifts – a representation of Shangri-La’s roots in China
A resident of Hatay Friendship City expressed his gratitude to Liu Yuhua, Minister Counsellor of Economy and Commerce of the Chinese Embassy in Ankara and George Tan, Chief Human Resources Officer of Shangri-La Group.
Employees worldwide from Shangri-La have donated in order to create Friendship City and were matched by the Group. Together with Senior Shangri-La, AFAD officials, and representatives from the Chinese and Turkish governments officially opened the city in a humble ceremony on site.
Shulamite Khoo, Independent Non-executive Board Director of Shangri-La Group; George Tan, Chief Human Resources Officer of Shangri-La Group and Seda Boybeyi, Director of Human Resources of Shangri-La Bosphorus, Istanbul spread joy and love among residents of Hatay Friendship City
The Shangri-La management team visited a local resident of the Hatay Friendship City’s temporary home.
Following this kind of disaster, the Shangri-La is noted as the first multinational company, and the first international hospitality group to offer relief of this kind. At this difficult time, and with Asian hospitality at the centre of their brand, it is hoped that this contribution will offer the people of Hatay solace.
Opening ceremony of Hatay Friendship City held on site on 5 July, 2023
by Amber Backhouse